Ginger Peach Black Iced Tea (10 1-Quart Sachets) | Smith Teamaker
Ginger Peach Black Iced Tea (10 1-Quart Sachets) | Smith Teamaker
Ginger Peach Black Iced Tea (10 1-Quart Sachets) | Smith Teamaker

Ginger Peach Black Iced Tea (10 1-Quart Sachets) | Smith Teamaker

Regular price $ 16.00
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No. 35

A decidedly fruitful pairing of Indian and Sri Lankan black teas, joined with the earthy essence of ginger, peach and nectarine. A perfect pick for all seasons. Deep, rich, rewarding and unimpeachably delicious.



Peach cobbler, caramel and ginger


Black teas from India and Sri Lanka, ginger root, peach and nectarine natural flavors.


No. 35: Just above ice cube temperature. In other words, nice and cold.


Bring spring or freshly drawn filtered water to a boil (212°F) and pour 2 cups over sachet.

Steep 5 minutes, discard sachet and top off to one quart with filtered water. 

Stir briskly and serve over ice.